Get started by registering online through the app.
Visit and click "New here? Sign up." or go directly to the registration page.
You will need your member ID number from your ID card to register; using your SSN to register will not work.
Two ID cards were mailed to you; one card is for the Medical and Vision, while the second card that says "Cigna" is your Dental ID card. If you did not receive your ID cards, please call Personify Health at 800.843.3831 or contact IAG at
When you register, you'll have access to the myCare Member Portal for helpful tools to view your benefits including finding healthcare providers and scheduling appointments.
Fairos connects members to providers that are familiar with the IAG benefits. To Find a Provider, login to the Personify Health portal and click "Find Care". This will take you to the Fairos portal where you will login (or register) to find providers.
If you have not already registered, you will need the information on your Member ID card to register and login for the first time. Download a Fairos Member Portal & App Overview pdf.
You can also register or access benefits by downloading the Personify Health Mobile App. To download the app, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading the free app, login with the email address and password you created when registering at Personify Health. If you have not previously registered, you can register directly through the app using your name and certificate number as shown on your ID card.